Eine Lehrerin wird mit einem Tablet in einer Klasse mit Kindern lächelnd dargestellt


Experience chaos free teaching

With Relution, devices can be used directly in the classroom without the need for time consuming configuration and setup. This is taken care of in advance by the IT admin. This means that teachers do not lose valuable teaching time. In addition to pedagogically relevant apps, teachers can also use predefined web links or iBooks provided by Relution to expand the content of a digital lesson. The attention of the students is ensured by device restrictions. The teacher can control student devices during the lesson, actively involve the students and design the lesson interactively.

Blick von oben auf drei Schüler, die Gruppenarbeit mit einem Tablet machen
mehrere Planeten werden dargestellt, der größte in Relution grün
Test for free

Learn rocket science successfully

The future is digital. On earth or in the vastness of space. Relution is so easy to use, you can devote your attention to the issues that matter. Think big now and start small with five free device licenses in your elective infrastructure.