Manage all apps - from initial test version, through approval, to release and targeted delivery via the company's own app store.
Digital business
Enterprise Mobility Management
Today, networking and empowering employees are central aspects of any company's IT strategy. The goal is to digitize workflows while making the use of technology more secure. Users, regardless of their location, should be enabled to network digitally and do their work efficiently with the right tools.
This requires not only basic technical equipment and corresponding infrastructural requirements, but also sustainable solutions for the distribution of hardware such as smartphones, tablets and laptops, the configuration of these devices, and the provision of content and apps in a GDPR compliant environment.
The use of an Enterprise Mobility Management system serves the purpose of empowering employees quickly and easily through devices that are as fully preconfigured as possible, while providing a personalized and secure user experience.
The data protection compliant and centralized management of digital end devices and the optimal provision of corporate apps and data with manageable complexity and lower costs is becoming a critical success factor for companies.
One system, many possibilities
Relution's Mobile Device Management software helps you deploy digital devices securely, easily and cost-effectively in the enterprise. The operating systems of Apple, Android and Windows are supported.
Act entrepreneurially
Perfectly managed devices convenient to equip
Relution supports Apple (DEP), Samsung (KME) and Windows (Autopilot) programs for automatic enrollment of a large number of devices. App licenses can be procured and distributed centrally via the Apple Volume Purchase Program (VPP).
Use all digital devices smoothly and securely
MULTI PLATFORM iOS / iPadOS / macOS / tvOS / Android / Android Enterprise / Samsung Knox / interactive whiteboards / Windows 10/11
DATA SEPARATION Simple and data protection compliant separation of business and private content
DATA SOVEREIGNTY Multi-tenant operation / in own infrastructure / in municipal data center / in a German cloud
GDPR COMPLIANCE No need for cloud IDs thanks to connection to local user directory services (AD, LDAP, SAML, OIDC)
OPTIMIZED INTEGRATION Connection of file directory services (SMB, WebDAV) / synchronization with Apple Business Manager
PROTECTS WORKPLACE Tax money stays in Germany
CONVINCING PRICE MODEL More affordable than US manufacturers
An optimal system for every company
Relution was designed as an end-to-end solution for the mobilization of business processes and enterprise data. Whether mobile device or mobile app management – all relevant application scenarios can be covered. The versatility makes Relution the ideal EMM system for companies of any size.
Manage all apps - from initial test version, through approval, to release and targeted delivery via the company's own app store.
Manage all devices centrally and efficiently - from enrollment, configuration and securing to deployment in specific application scenarios.
Deliver innovative logistics solutions in the form of tested apps on devices in kiosk mode operation for fleet vehicles and increase productivity.
With Relution, mobile devices such as smartphones, tablets, or laptops as well as stationary computers at the workplace and interactive whiteboards in meeting rooms can be managed and configured.
Digital working environment
When managing corporate and personal devices in the business environment, Relution minimizes administrative overhead, increases productivity, and ensures data protection.
Everything you need for your business
Reliably ensure data separation and comprehensively secure the enterprise. With Relution, company owned and private (BYOD) devices can be managed, configured and monitored quickly and easily.
Relution supports the entire app lifecycle from procurement and licensing, through testing, quality control, deployment, and distribution, to new versions and updates – on all corporate and employee devices.
Fulfill requests and easily channel, review, and approve app requests. A central app catalog in Relution provides a reasonable app selection with access to current apps and updates.
Multiple functions for secure management of all devices and apps
DEVICE MANAGEMENT Inventory / configuration / equipment / restriction / theft protection
AUTOMATIC ENROLLMENT Apple DEP / Android Enterprise ZeroTouch / Samsung KME / Windows Autopilot
DATA ENROLLMENT BYOD / Apple User Enrollment / Android Enterprise Work Profile / COPE
APP LIFECYCLE App development / app review / app release workflow / app versioning
ENTERPRISE APP STORE Apple VPP / app selection / app distribution / app requests / app updates
SECURITY Role-rights concept / access control / secure mail gateway / exchange / WiFi and VPN access / Kiosk Mode
Digitization is a strategic decision. So is teamwork. We see ourselves as a pacemaker that accelerates your digitization. Increase your pulse and equip your digital fleet now with five free device licenses in your infrastructure of choice.
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