
Unified Endpoint Management (UEM) – Managing All Digital Devices

With the Relution device management platform, both mobile and stationary devices can be easily managed through an intuitive interface. Whether it’s smartphones, tablets, laptops, computers, or interactive whiteboards, all digital devices can be quickly and easily configured, equipped, and controlled – with Relution’s Unified Endpoint Management (UEM).

Our benefits

Platform independent

Relution is a mobile device management software and works for Apple, Android and Windows

  • Verschiedene Apple-Geräte werden dargestellt, dazu das Relutuion Logo und das Apple Logo
  • Verschiedene Android-Geräte werden dargestellt, dazu das Android Logo und das Relution Logo
  • Windows Geräte werden dargestellt, dazu das Relution Logo und das Windows Logo

Anytime and anywhere

Control and manage digital devices

Relution is a software application that allows functions, apps and access to be configured and distributed to devices simply and intuitively. This way, users can be optimally equipped and added value can be realized in different application scenarios.

Our solutions

German know how

Relution is "Made in Germany " and GDPR compliant









Functional areas

Secure and reliable

Sensitive data in good hands

Relution is the GDPR compliant solution for school boards, schools, public authorities, administrations and companies. The central system enables the uniform and comprehensive management of all digital end devices in compliance with strict data protection guidelines.


  • Eine Ärztin in weißem Kittel steht checkt auf einem digitalen Endgerät die Neuigkeiten ab


    Relution promotes the digital future of hospital IT

    News: Relution promotes the digital future of hospital IT
  • IT Administrator ist von hinten sichtbar und sitzt vor einem großen Windows Rechner zur besseren Verwaltung mit Relution und WinGet


    Efficient Windows Device Management with Relution & WinGet

    News: Efficient Windows Device Management with Relution & WinGet
  • Zusammenhaltende Hände bei der Feuerwehr


    Relution: The digital basis for Brandenburg's crisis communication network

    News: Relution: The digital basis for Brandenburg's crisis communication network
  • Mutter zeigt Kind am Tablet eine Aufgabe


    Securely manage parent-financed end devices with Relution

    News: Securely manage parent-financed end devices with Relution
  • Apple Indigo und Relution machen iOS noch sicherer


    Maximum security for iOS in public authorities: Apple iNDIGO & Relution in perfect interaction

    News: Maximum security for iOS in public authorities: Apple iNDIGO & Relution in perfect interaction


Partners and customers

5 grüne Zugvögel sind vor einer grauen Klippe und der Küste zu sehen. Sie fliegen ein V
Test for free


With Relution, you get a pilot that guides you unerringly through the digital obstacles and provides orientation. Test five free device licenses now as digital "lighthouses" in your elective infrastructure.