
The Relution community gets its own platform

Dear Relution community,

we are proud that over the years, a solid base of convinced customers has formed, who use Relution in different application scenarios using various functions. Be it small and large companies, school boards, cities and municipalities in the education sector, public administration or institutions from the healthcare sector - all benefit from our cross-platform and privacy-compliant MDM solution in different ways.

In order not to let your experiences go unused and to make the collected knowledge from practice available to others, we have now published the new Relution Community Board for you.

This is in response to a large number of customer requests for a platform to exchange information with other users. In this way, everyone has the opportunity to get in touch with Relution customers and interested parties, to discuss central questions, to receive valuable assistance and to share reports on their experiences.

Our mission is to strengthen the Relution community by bringing you - our customers, partners and prospects - together for a collaborative exchange to achieve the best possible digital device management and control solution for everyone.

The Relution Community Board is organized into different categories to help you get the right answers to your questions quickly and easily. You can log in using your Relution Helpdesk user credentials. To get started, you can log in with your HelpDesk account at community.relution.io.

Please note that the Relution Community Board is an independent platform without influence of the manufacturer. Therefore, discussions and topics are not accompanied by Relution Support. If you need specific help from us, please contact the Relution Helpdesk as usual. You are still welcome to submit personal feedback, ideas, requests and suggestions about Relution directly to us via the Customer Hub

Take a look at our Relution Community Board. We are happy about every participant who fills the forum with life through active participation.

Foto: MWAY