Ein Sales Mitarbeiter von Relution wird lachend vor einem Laptop und mit Handy am Ohr gezeigt


We are happy to advise you

Do you have questions about our mobile device management, need information about prices or would like a personal consultation?

Talk to us. We will be happy to help you.

You can use the form to send us a message. We usually reply within 24 hours.

Our team is looking forward to your inquiries.

Note: Alternatively, you can contact us directly at sales@relution.io

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Relution GmbH

Daimlerstraße 133

70372 Stuttgart

Phone: +49 (0) 711 25 25 4 - 600

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Customer Hub

Do you need help or have a technical question? Then please use our Customer Hub.

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If you would like training on a specific topic, please use our training offer.

5 grüne Zugvögel sind vor einer grauen Klippe und der Küste zu sehen. Sie fliegen ein V
Test for free


With Relution, you get a pilot that guides you unerringly through the digital obstacles and provides orientation. Test five free device licenses now as digital "lighthouses" in your elective infrastructure.